Sustainable Initiatives

At Modern School, being green is a way of life.

Modern School students understand the responsibility of being stewards of earth, the planet that nourishes and nurtures them.

In 1975, when Modern School was built, it was envisioned as a sustainable habitat. Its green architectural approach greatly reduces its carbon footprint while staying cool in the summers and warm in the winters.

Over the past decade, further initiatives have been taken for sustainability.

  • Installation of a water harvesting system beneath the track and field
  • Installation of the solar panel system
  • The safe disposal of digital e-waste
  • The ban on plastic
  • Tree plantation drives have been efforts made to take responsibility of our planet, and to teach our students to impact their world in a positive way
  • Recycling paper and strict usage of paper has been firmly enforced in the attempt to work towards a limited use of paper in the workplace
  • Cyclothons are held to highlight environmental concerns, right from the early years when juniors are encouraged to cycle in the school grounds

Injury-Free Multi Sports Field

Annual Green Fair 2024

an E-Waste and Book Donation Drive

Green Fair-Jr. School

Earth Day

Earth Day

Millet Festival

Road Safety - Jr. School

Book Collection Drive - Junior School

Wetland Mitra