Community Engagement

Community service benefits the the giver as much as the receiver. With community outreach programs, Modern School students have gained a better understanding of people and issues that surround them, and have helped them build on the spirit of inclusiveness in their communities. Some of the Community Programs that Modern School Students have been involved with —

  • Initiating a National Climate Emergency Campaign
  • Creating the world's first eco-friendly, affordable, effective, and practical air purifier, and donated over 125 air purifiers to the underprivileged.
  • Teaching spoken English
  • Imparting computer skills
  • Organising friendly soccer and cricket matches for children from NGOs at the MSVV field
  • Fund raising in collaboration with the Rotary International
  • Donations of food, stationery and old clothes drive
  • Blood donation drives

Eye Checkup Camp

Joy of giving

Cycle Donation by Interact Club

Blood Donation Camp by Interact Club

NGO Sports Meet

Annual Buddy Learning Program

Earthquake Relief Aid for Syria

Oath against use of SUP items

Unboxing Smiles- Toy Bank Collection